
Unlocking the Bible Story, Volume 1 is unavailable, but you can change that!

The first of this four volume study depicts God setting the stage and introducing Himself as the screenwriter of human history. Each chapter in the two-part Old Testament provides a “Spotlight on Christ” which will help you see how the whole Bible points us forward to Jesus Christ.

Did you notice the plural pronoun there? God says, “Let us make man.” This is a fascinating hint about the nature of God to be revealed more fully later. After five days of creation, the crowning moment has come. It is almost as if God has a conversation with Himself. “Let’s do it! Let Us make man in Our image, in Our likeness.” An image is a reflection, and so God is telling us that He made us in such a way that we would be able to reflect something of His own nature and glory. “Man” is used as
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